Born on 5 March 1928, my mother was born in a family with mixed religious beliefs. My grandfather was a Baptist, and my grandmother was a Catholic. They had 10children in all with my mother being the fourth child, 3rd daughter. Raised during the depression when work was scare and putting food on the table was difficult, she saw the good in what her parents were trying to do.
She had a love for music, her children and grandchildren, and art. She loved nature and enjoyed working the soil and and felt very close to the Lord when she was working in the garden. She used to sing with the members of Black American race at their church...another Doris Day with a style of her own.
She could see, cook, keep the house, mind the children and work a full time job. A master of of time management and always a smile on her face.
Her first marriage ended too soon. The natural feelings a human being can have with feeling failure in a marriage took hold of her heart and she was not able to feel the loving acceptance the Savior had for her and the gifts his atonement have in store for each of us.
She still lived. She went back to school and obtained a Masters in Art. She enjoyed weaving most of all. She taught in high school and had a following of students. In going through her pictures of her class, students and their art work, and reading the letters she received from them, I saw a woman that I never got to know.
She met and married her soul mate in the state of Washington. I never met him, but the pictures of the two of them together speak louder than words. He left this earthly existence and she moved to Utah.
She began to loose her health with her first stroke. She had high blood pressure and I am not sure how well it was controlled. It seemed she had alot of little strokes as well.
I was able visit my mother in November of this year. We had a really sweet visit. I showed her pictures of my family, her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She said seeing them was, inspiring. Our parting words were full of love, forgiveness, and sweetness. When I left, she looked 15 years younger.
Mother had another stroke and passed away a couple of weeks later in the evening of 23 December 2010. Her mortal body was laid to rest in Manti, Utah on 27 December 2010. I know that the Savior enveloped her into his arms and that her parents were there to meet her with great joy. Now those of us left behind here on earth have alittle bit of temple work to do in sealing her to her parents. What a joy that will be.
How grateful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gifts of the atonement and for the blessings that families bring to us in our lives.