Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trunk or Treat

We made it to trunk or treat this year. One evening David and I found ourselves in front of a Halloween store around the corner from this great hamburger place we like to eat at. Of course, I had to go in. We found us some things to help our Halloween attire.....No comments from the peanut gallery!

I was a fairy. I even had wings! They were awesome and I was even able to drive the car with them on.

David was a monk. Next year, I will try to iron it and put some padding around him to help him look like plump monk.

We had fun passing the candy out to the little tikes and some bigger tikes as well.


Unknown said...

As a biologically related member of the Peanut Gallery, and probably the bossiest one, my comment is that you guys ROCK!! (love it when the adults take the time to join the fun) LOVE the costumes . . . not surprising to find you in blue, Mom. You look great.

Dad, you looked spooky, I kept expecting one of the shots to show you carrying a sickle. I think Dad should shave his head for next All Hallows Eve to add even more authenticity. HA! I'd fly down for Halloween if you did that.

Love you guys!

Moore Fun Stories said...

HeHeHe! I love it. You guys have some rocken outfits.

I wish you a warm hello and welcome to my family news.