Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Walk

ok....So it's been along time since we took a Sunday afternoon walk. Today, we put Max's halter and leash on and headed out. Down the street we walked and ended up doing our old walking route that is about 1 mile long.

We stopped at some friends house, The Crandalls, and David asked them if they would take us home....LOL. Geniel wanted to know how old the puppy was. I asked her which one, David or Max. We had a nice, but short visit, a wondeful glass of water, made a date to double date with them next weekend and walked back home.

It made me think about how families had to walk, ride a horse, or take a wagon to see neighbors in the olden days. I marvel at how much technology has advanced the way we do many tasks.

However, it seems to have made our lives very busy trying to get everything done at home and making Corporate America value our existence. In doing so, it is hard to make time to get outside and go for a walk.

I have made an oath to no more overtime and more nature walk time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They key is to get Corporate America to pay you to go on a walk . . . like when they pay for a gym membership because they want healthy employees because they get wacked with so many sick days being taken by their staff.

Did that little dog make it through the whole walk or did you guys get some weight training in because you carried him home?

I wish you a warm hello and welcome to my family news.