In Feb. 2009, our Virginian family moved back to Texas! Yes siree by gosh. We are now an all Texan Family. Ain't that where everyone comes for good ole BBQ? Ok, maybe I don't do the Texas accent that well, but I think you get the message. We are glad we are all back in Texas!
We also went to the central part of the Texas state to celebrate Riley's B-Day! She had the traditional, All she can eat cake, for her very own enjoyment.
Everett visited Max and Maverick, while Merritt was busy being himself.

In April, we had Easter time. Max got a new toy from Everett and meemaw took pictures of the fasting growing habitates of the back yard.
Whew! We had a busy, fun, and productive 1st quarter with grandkids coming into 1st place. It is so much fun to have everyone in Texas.
Stay tuned for the 2nd quarter as we visit our sweeties in south Texas.
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